
Know The Facts
Nicotine is not inherently harmful. Most severe health risks associated with conventional cigarettes stem from toxicants in tobacco smoke, not the nicotine itself.

What is Nicotine?

Nicotine, an alkaloid belonging to the family of compounds known as alkaloids, occurs naturally in various plants. While present in tomatoes, aubergines, and potatoes, it reaches its highest levels in the tobacco plant.

Is Nicotine Harmful?

Whilst it is very addictive, nicotine is not inherently harmful. Most severe health risks associated with conventional cigarettes stem from toxicants in tobacco smoke, not the nicotine itself. Clean forms of nicotine are therefore licensed to assist smokers in their journey to quit.

The Risk Continuum

At GINN we are guided by the “risk continuum”, a scientific method that compares the harms of smoking to safer nicotine alternatives. We consider the relative harm of different nicotine products, focusing on promoting alternatives that can help people move away from smoking while acknowledging their varying levels of risk. This helps us advocate for informed choices and evidence-based policies in the nicotine industry.

Examples of Novel Nicotine Products

Nicotine Pouches

Nicotine pouches are small sachets, about the size of a thumbnail, containing vegetable fibres infused with nicotine and various flavours. Placed between the lip and gum, these pouches allow nicotine to be absorbed through the oral mucous membrane. In contrast to snus, nicotine pouches are free from tobacco leaves, and the nicotine content can be either synthetic or extracted from tobacco plants.

Heat-Not-Burn Products

Heat-Not-Burn products are electronic devices designed to heat processed tobacco without combustion. Operating at lower temperatures, they produce a tobacco-flavoured vapour containing nicotine. Unlike traditional cigarettes, heat-not-burn devices form an aerosol with fewer harmful chemicals.

Herbal Heated Sticks

Herbal heated sticks are an alternative to heat-not-burn. However, instead of tobacco, they use other substances such as tea, which adds flavouring, or nicotine.