Privacy Policy

Your privacy matters to us
This page outlines our privacy policy, what information we collect and how we use information gathered from this website.

Privacy Policy

What information is collected?

Global Int for Novel Nicotine LLP (GINN) may collect the following information through elements included on this website, such as through the completion of our contact and enquiry forms:
Organisation Name;
Email Address;
Contact Telephone Number;
Further Additional Information Where Required .

How is the information gathered, used?

The information collected is used to understand your requirements and to aid us provide you with the best possible service. In particular the information may be used for:
Internal record keeping;
To improve the products and services we offer;
To keep you periodically informed about new products, special offers or any other information we feel would be informative and beneficial to you and your organisation.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual, meaning web applications are able to tailor their operation to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information.

We use Cookies to track the traffic to our website, the pages which are viewed and the time spent on particular pages throughout the website among other statistical data. In doing so we may analyse the data collected and as a result improve the website in order to provide you with a better service.

We only use the information gathered by Cookies from this website for statistical analysis. A cookie in no way provides us access to your PC or Mobile Device and in no way provides us with any of your personal information.

By default, most web browsers accept Cookies as standard; however, you are usually able to modify your browser settings to block Cookies from being placed on your hard drive. Doing so may prevent you from taking full advantage of this website as well as any others you visit.

Links to other websites

At certain times we may provide links to external websites which we believe could be of interest to you or your business. We do so with the best of intentions, however once you leave this website you should be aware that we have no control over the 3rd party website and, as such, we cannot be responsible for how that particular website utilises any data which they may gather from you whilst visiting their website. Nor can we be held responsible for malicious files which reside on any 3rd party website.

Controlling your personal information

Any information which is provided to GINN will be kept recorded within our records. In no way will any of your personal information be sold, distributed or leased to any third parties unless we have your permission or we are required to by law to do so. Email addresses and contact details may be provided to 3rd party services for use in delivering your order(s). We may use your personal information in regard to any activities or additional enterprises associated with GINN and we may send you promotional information which we think you may find beneficial or informative.