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GINN Holds Inaugural Science and Standards Committee Meeting
8 August 2024

GINN Holds Inaugural Science and Standards Committee Meeting

The Global Institute for Novel Nicotine (GINN) has today held the inaugural meeting of its Science and Standards Committee (SSC), marking a significant milestone in its mission to advance evidence-based practices within the novel nicotine industry. The meeting, which brought together leading experts in science, regulation, and public health, focused on establishing a robust framework for developing industry standards.

Dr. Bonnie Coffa PhD DABT, Chair of the SSC and Scientific Director of Toxicology at Labstat International, led the proceedings and, under her leadership, the committee made substantial progress in outlining its strategic objectives and operational structure.

With a science-based approach at the heart of all that it does, the SSC has established a series of specialised working groups, each tasked with addressing critical areas within the novel nicotine sector. These groups will focus on product composition and design standards, toxicity and health, consumer behaviour and youth access prevention, regulatory compliance and standards, and marketing and communications. The specific naming, detailed mandates, and membership of these working groups will be finalised in the coming weeks.

Dr. Bonnie Coffa, Chair of the SSC, said:

"This inaugural meeting represents a pivotal moment for GINN and the wider novel nicotine industry: by bringing together diverse expertise, we have laid the groundwork for developing comprehensive, science-led standards that will shape the future of our sector.

“The establishment of our working groups will enable us to address key challenges and opportunities in a focused, efficient way that advances global public health goals, and I am grateful to be working with a range of talented individuals from around the world to achieve this."

Shem Baldeosingh, Director of GINN, commented:

"The successful launch of our Science and Standards Committee underscores GINN's commitment to fostering a responsible, evidence-based approach to novel nicotine products.

“The insights and collaborations emerging from this Committee will be instrumental in our efforts to engage with stakeholders globally and advocate for responsible regulatory frameworks, and rightly position GINN as a leading voice for the sector."

The SSC will convene regularly to review progress, share insights, and refine its strategies. GINN anticipates that the committee's work will significantly contribute to elevating industry standards, supporting innovation, and ultimately promoting public health through the responsible development and use of novel nicotine products.


Notes to Editors:
For more information or journalist queries, please contact Tommy Gilchrist on +44 (0)7388110679 or via [email protected].

About GINN:
The Global Institute for Novel Nicotine (GINN) is dedicated to positioning itself as the industry's primary advocate for non-vaping reduced-risk products. While vapes have established representation, GINN focuses on emerging reduced-risk products like nicotine pouches and heat-not-burn. As a membership-based association, GINN engages with stakeholders globally, and has an evidence-based and science-led approach at the heart of all that it does.

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