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GINN welcomes the UK Government's decision on nicotine pouches
1 March 2024

GINN welcomes the UK Government's decision on nicotine pouches

The Global Institute for Novel Nicotine welcomes the recent decision by the UK Government to restrict the sale of nicotine pouches to under 18s as part of its consultation ‘Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping’. GINN supports numerous policy initiatives to prevent youth access and takes a zero-tolerance approach to underage sales.

Shem Baldeosingh, Director of GINN, shared his perspective on the Government's decision: "We welcome the UK government's commitment to regulating the sale of nicotine pouches, reinforcing our shared goal of promoting responsible nicotine use. At GINN, we believe in a balanced approach to regulation that safeguards our youth while allowing access to reduced-risk nicotine products for adult smokers looking to reduce their health risks by transitioning from tobacco cigarettes to less harmful combustion-free nicotine delivery alternatives."

As the leading voice for novel nicotine, GINN is committed to supporting evidence-based policies that support all in their smoking cessation journey whilst restricting nicotine use among youths. GINN members in the UK commit to ensuring that they and their partners will comply with the new laws and play their part in its rigorous enforcement.

While welcoming an age restriction GINN is keen to consult on any additional regulations that may be proposed for nicotine pouches.

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